Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Go Do Be

Today's a day of practice makes perfect! Practicing the Right things...

A day of full of last minute things to do! Of the last minute stuff come at the same time... My Sgts really irritated me. I felt like shouting at him and also felt he's going 'SEOW'. He kept on asking the same questions over and over again. Even when I have answered him, he kept asking whether I'm doing that work. Of course I WAS!! IRRITATED, I was. And quietly I told my medic friend "he's Seow liao!" meaning MAD. At that very moment, I knew I did something wrong. To me, It sounds like David cutting off Saul's skirt (1 Samuel 24:4-22): http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1sam%2024:4-22;&version=31
that's when I sensed "What if it was Jesus in his place? What would I have done??"I repented before the Lord.
Yes, this changed my perspective. I believe I've to take on a renewed attitude everyday.

I got inspired after seeing this: GO,DO,BE. (Copyrighted by TEVA ). Hence now I've gone to my practice ground (my workplace), doing the practice work (obeying the word) and thus becoming more than my practice (christlike).

Together with the experiences and the revelations, I pray that this will be a solid learning. - In Jesus name- Amen.

On 21/12/2005

A new thought came to my mind: If that is my leader, I must make him look good whatever I do or say. To be able help him to look good in all circumstances. Sometimes this can be a thought provoking matter. WHY? I.E: if you want to outshine/outdo your leader- He is quite lousy and I don't want to give all my best; so that when it comes to my turn, I'll show it to him! If you feel strongly against the leader- I cant even stand him at all, he doesn't even care for people. If you just want to be selfish- Why should I be the one helping him? If you want to be plainly rebellious- I don't care and I wanna go against him. Frankly I've gone through all of these, myself!
But last time, I remember reading the story of Daniel's life, he's the Man.. He pursued God through it all. One man who was under many leaderships. How he led his life, submitted to authorities and who God was to him..? What was Daniel's heart and attitude?

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